Factor 9
by Hamish MacDonald, with Matthew Zajac & Stewart Porter

FACTOR 9 opens to a tremendous reception in Sweden & Denmark !
“…a furiously skilful play. Everything works: the timing of the actors, the lighting, the sound and video projections…Be sure to see it. It is an important play about a dark time.” Anders Sjogren, Vasterbottens Kuriren
“Two actors in front of a smart and really stylish set deliver a tumultuous story…. They take us under the skin of two afflicted individuals. And their hunt for answers soon develops into a heartrending sort of crime story” Jonas Danielsson, Folkbladet
Listen to coverage featured on Swedish National Radio’s breakfast news here:
Watch STV national news feature on Factor 9 broadcast on Wednesday April 9 2014 here:
Listen to Factor 9 featured on BBC Radio Scotland’s Culture Studio broadcast on Tuesday 8 April 2014 here:
UMEA 2014, Lyngby Kulturgus Copenhagen, Clwyd Theatr Cymru, Scottish Tour & Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Factor 9 by Hamish MacDonald
inspired by the testimonies of Bruce Norval and Robert Mackie
Cast Matthew Zajac & Stewart Porter
Director Ben Harrison
Designer Emily James
Composer & Sound Designer Pippa Murphy
Lighting Designer Paul Claydon
Supported by Creative Scotland and Umea 2014 European Capital of Culture
Factor 9 opened for a week at Profilteatern’s Festival of Horror & Art (Skrackfestival) in Umea, Sweden in March 2014, part of Umea’s year as European Capital of Culture. Further dates in Denmark & Wales were followed by a Scottish tour during April. We were thrilled to work again with Ben Harrison who worked so successfully with us on The Tailor of Inverness.
We also worked for the first time with the highly accomplished designer Emily James, lighting designer Paul Claydon and composer Pippa Murphy.
The production utilises some aspects of the horror genre and blends these with video and a direct performance style to tell its important and extraordinary story: the story of the appalling human tragedy of thousands of haemophiliacs and others who were treated with contaminated blood products during the 1970s & ’80s. This took place within the British National Health Service and in many other countries across the world, blighting, and often ending, the lives of many thousands. Based on the testimonies of victims and scientists and on other documentary evidence, Factor 9 examines how such a disaster could have occurred and its impact on victims and their friends and families.
READ THE SUNDAY HERALD (12TH JANUARY) ARTICLE ABOUT THE PRODUCTION HERE: http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/scotlands-hiv-blood-scandal-turned-into-play-for-european-horror-fest.23149641
Tour dates
Profilteatern’s Festival of Horror & Art (Skrackfestival), Umea, Sweden Tuesday 11 – Saturday 15 March http://umea2014.se/en/project/horrorandart/
Mungo Park Arts Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark Wednesday 19 & Thursday 20 March www.mungopark.dk
Clwyd Theatr Cymru’s Celtic Festival of New Writing, Mold Tuesday 25 – Saturday 29 March
0845 330 5565 www.clwyd-theatre-cymru.co.uk
Strathpeffer Pavilion Tuesday 8 April 8.00pm 01997 420124 www.strathpefferpavilion.org
Lyth Arts Centre Wednesday 9 April 8.00pm 01955 641434 www.lytharts.org.uk
An Lanntair, Stornoway Friday 11 April 8.00pm 01851 708480 www.lanntair.com
Macphail Theatre, Mill Street. Ullapool Saturday 12 April 7.30pm 01854 613336 www.macphailcentre.co.uk
The Lemon Tree, Aberdeen Tuesday 15 April 7.00pm 01224 641122 www.aberdeenperformingarts.com/venues/the-lemon-tree
Carlops Village Hall Thursday 17th April 8pm 01968 660388 lesmorss@carlops.net www.carlops.net
Eden Court, Inverness Friday 18 & Saturday 19 April 7.30pm 01463 234234 www.eden-court.co.uk
Beacon Arts Centre, Greenock Tuesday 22 April at 7.30pm 01475 723723 www.beaconartscentre.co.uk
Paisley Arts Centre Wednesday 23 April 7.3opm 0300 300 1210 www.renfrewshire.gov.uk
Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh Thursday 24 – Saturday 26 April 7.30pm 0131 228 1404 www.traverse.co.uk
Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Summerhall August 1st – 24th www.summerhall.co.uk
Kickstarter June 2014
Our Kickstarter online crowd funding appeal has reached its target of £16,000. This brilliant show of support means that Factor 9 will now be part of Fringe 2014. We have recently completed the official Fringe registration and will advise all dates and times when these are confirmed. We are already looking to marketing the show, with further support from individuals and organisations such as The Haemophilia Society, Haemophilia Scotland & Haemophilia Wales.
This is our first ‘crowd funding’ attempt and we have been overwhelmed by the support shown to ensure the production has an extended life, taking its story to a wider public and looking to the Fringe as a platform to further promote the production both in the UK and beyond. In this year when the Penrose Inquiry will report its findings on infected blood products, it is fitting that the play should be a part of the festival in the city of Scotland’s government.
We extend our thanks to John Martin for setting up the Kickstarter appeal and again to all those who contributed. The appeal closed on May 9 and all donations will go towards the rehearsal, production, wages, venue costs, marketing, accommodation, administration, and to all costs associated with the preparation and execution of our August run at the Fringe.
FACTOR 9 at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2014
Factor 9 completed its 22 show Edinburgh Festival Fringe run on August 24th – continuing from its spring tour to Sweden, Denmark, Wales and around Scotland with a trend of strong reviews and very enthusiastic audiences which were visibly moved by the production.
The production’s Edinburgh Fringe run would not have been possible without the financial support of 180 individuals and several charities, the majority associated directly with the contaminated blood products disaster.
**** The List 5 Aug 2014 http://www.list.co.uk/article/63329-factor-9
* * * * * * Edinburgh Evening News 11 Aug 2014
* * * * Festmag 12 Aug 2014
@sivy9 The 1st #edfringe2014 show I saw was #Factor9 and it’s still the most powerful, vital and thought provoking @dogstartheatre @Summerhallery
Through personal testimony, video diaries, scientific imagery and soundscape, the play tells the story of the blood products tragedy, where many thousands of haemophiliacs and others were infected with HIV, Hepatitis and CJD through the administration of contaminated blood products. This is the greatest disaster in the history of the British National Health Service and one which has affected many countries across the world.
“Factor 9 is also a furiously skillful play. Everything works: the timing of the actors, the lighting, the sound and video projections…Be sure to see it. It is an important play about a black time”
Anders Sjögren, Västerbottens-Kuriren Sweden
“Factor 9 says what it has to say about a mighty public scandal, in a vividly theatrical style that no-one who sees it is ever likely to forget”
Joyce MacMillan, The Scotsman ****
“…an unforgettable, high quality and hard-hitting play spotlighting a story of national importance. It also deserves to be seen across the world because it dramatises a global tragedy.” Margaret Chrystall, Inverness Courier *****
“Utterly convincing…ingenious and macabre…terrific performance and inventive direction…Outstanding” Alan Brown, Edinburgh 49
“The playwright got it just right….powerful and very human.” Paula Murray, Sunday Express
With the characteristic tight turnaround between shows, fellow companies and Summerhall were excellent in making this possible. Following David Cameron’s decline of an official invitation to attend the show we subsequently sent emails to the First Minister, Deputy First Minister, Minister of Culture and to many MSPs and MPs to follow the example of Scottish Cabinet Minister Shona Robison, Rhoda Grant MSP, Jean Urquhart MSP and Lord David Steel, all of whom attended performances of Factor 9 in April 2014. WE were delighted that MSPs Malcolm Chisholm & Richard Lyle attended.
Factor9 audience member – “Absolutely brilliant… really shocked. Why doesn’t everyone know about this ?”@dogstartheatre @summerhallery
Five days in we were paid a visit by Game of Thrones actor Daniel Portman. Daniel was clearly moved by the production and urged the public to attend Summerhall to see Factor 9. Daniel took part in this clip, shot in the Summerhall courtyard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=argGzZEDmTM
@Daniel Portman – Everyone, go see ‘Factor 9’ at Summerhall, Edinburgh till 24th August @HaemophiliaScot @dogstartheatre – It will change your life, I mean it.
Watch STV national news feature on Factor 9 broadcast on Wednesday April 9 2014 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8ksNulN3Ys
Listen to Factor 9 featured on BBC Radio Scotland’s Culture Studio broadcast on Tuesday 8 April 2014 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpkoYvGaBtU